Projects with a Social Focus
Design sketches, prototype, workshop attendees building and one with a finished product
Old Fourth Ward Lantern Parade Workshop
In 2015, One Love Foundation put on lantern workshops to allow the public to build lanterns designed by 9 local artists. I was chosen as one of the nine artists and designed, collected materials, and taught the workshop to build what I affectionately referred to as “the disco squid”.
Screenshot taken from the ChooseATL video
Puzzle Therapy
Team Trash
Random Acts of kindness Activities (RAKA)
I ran a meetup where we had various types of community activities. I was the coordinator and facilitator with different member volunteers when necessary. Here is a list of our activities:
Team Trash - choose a street to clean up for the day
Puzzle Therapy - putting together a puzzle…together!
Painted Rocks - Paint and then hide rocks in the neighborhood
Hidden message - Create inspirational messages and hide them in library books
Good Luck - folded 20 paper cranes ornaments and gave them out to strangers on the street for good luck
Painted Rock Crew
Painted Rocks to be hidden in the neighborhood
Dance Stop Connect
A movement hub created by a facilitator, a stop sign, a speaker, and dj playlist. The project encourages body movement in public places while promoting local DJs and businesses. It’s a low cost, fun way to encourage health!
The Facebook page is the main page for community, connection, and promotion. The project hasn’t been active since 2019.
Conversations on Love
I have always loved love but in my late 20’s, I wasn’t sure I knew what it was anymore. My childhood romanticism needed to die but to be replaced with what? This project became my way of sharing all the ways love is understood and manifests in our lives. Each interview was only about 5-10 minutes but in that small amount of time, a singular understanding was communicated, whether anyone agreed with it or not. I appreciated being reminded of how versatile love happens and engages us. The website host has since become defunct so these are the only remanence.
Clementine serenading an office of nurses
Ukelele Telegrams
This project was one of the services I offered through my business Errand Tiger. It was my first foray into specialty services involving creative activities. Each telegram came with a song, sunflower and card. They cost $35 (back in 2013) and I would deliver them to whoever you needed to celebrate.
A package deal for $35 - sunflower or rose, card, and song