Marketing examples
Atlanta Architecture and Design Center
A non-profit organization devoted to advancing the understanding of architecture, design, and the built environment in metro Atlanta.
Marketing Strategy (strategy and deck designed by Clementine)
An established content strategy from years previous was re-vamped to include colors from the website (aligning brand colors), timely and relevant content, and collaborations from partner non-profit organizations. Because of Meta’s current stories algorithm, Clem focused on using stories and highlights to catalogue timely and important events and educational tidbits from partner organizations and accounts, creating easy access for viewers and simplistic but effective archiving.
Courage Publishing
A publishing company focused on author relationships, advocates for ethical publishing, a practice of transparency and support in the publishing process.
One of the challenges of this account was to unite the colors of the website with the social media since the products (ie. book covers, merch, and coaching) were so diverse in color variations. Clem used the company yellow, gray, and white to unite the content on Instagram. Content ranged from word of the day to services, product promos, and messages of encouragement.
Write On, Ann Arbor
A meetup group dedicated to educational and professional development of writers and authors
Clementine became part of Write On in early 2019, and within the year, spearheaded a group of volunteers, running everything from calendar events to outreach and social media. She used a survey to gather important group data, building content, topic-based events, and sub groups from the results.
An example of events and newsletter scheduled, designed, and sent out by Clementine for Write On, Ann Arbor
From April to July, we’ve got some great meetings for you!
Poetry with Jihyun Yun
April 27th 6-8pm
“Some Are Always Hungry” explores food and the history of Korean culture and family. The author will read poetry, talk about publishing, and answer questions.
The Benefits of Joining a Revision Group
May 18th 6-8pm
Here at Write-On!, an evolution has occurred in how we conduct our revision groups. The pandemic caused us to move to Zoom meetings that turned out to be a great discovery for everyone's improved writing. Presented by Lexi Mohney and Josie. Schneider
Complex Character Building In Multiple Timelines
June 16th 6-8pm
A quick and dirty tutorial on how to build characters that can age well, travel through time, and incarnate into other bodies. Basically creating a character that can do anything time-related. Presented by Lexi Mohney and Eric Lockwood.
How to Get Your Children’s Book Illustrated and Published
July 17th 12-2pm
Upasna Kakroo will share her journey of how to get from concept to finished product in the genre of children’s books.
Member's Spotlight
Cliff D. Sholz is the cofounder of Write On, Ann Arbor and ran the group for many years. He was recently published on To see full article, click the button below
Excerpt from article
Like many of you, I attended the local version of “Hogwarts.” Spelling, ciphers, rituals and rites, we did it all. Thing is, when everybody does it, such magic seems ordinary. Where the local equivalent of Lord Voldemort enters the plotline is when people leaving such institutions turn their backs on the generative power
of a liberal education to shape and navigate their worlds, becoming instead passive consumers of other people’s worldviews. Our creative power doesn’t just vanish when, whether by negligence or design, we cede it to some external authority. No my friends, when we hand over our magic, it tends...
Later this year...
Built to Sell - Writing Stories that Sell Themselves
Good Stories aren't the only thing that motivates an audience to buy a book. Find out what more you can do in your writing to make your book fly off the shelf!
How Long is Too Long?
Today's Readers and Understanding Audience
What you want to know about the market and how to be a savvy seller.
Halloween Writing Prompts For Spooky Fireside Nights
Create short stories to share with your friends and family!
We need a logo! Would anyone like to take a stab at creating one for our group? It is not serious or a paying gig. This is just for fun and to enhance our group! Email with any logo designs that you come up with. Must be digital format .jpg or .png.